miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

An economic hitman

       In class we have been reading the book "confessions of an economic hitman"  and watching the movie "zeitgeist addendum". It talked about how the united states got to control the world by manipulating the economy of other countries. It is a system that has been used in many developing countries to ensure US presence in the region and to make sure the US will get resources. The system works like this. The US lends money to a developing nation to promote their industry.  Then they establish their economy in the foreign country claiming it will improve the country's economy. A few years after, the foreign country realises that paying the debt is vert hard. The US applies high taxes to the other countries and the only solution is to pay the debt with resources, mostly oil.

        The US has done this a lot of times. This happened with my country Colombia. The US helped with the construction of the Panama Canal. The US then claimed ownership over the canal. This was unfair to my country Colombia. When we refused the US sent a ship to declare war. The only option was giving Panama away.

       This happened to Ecuador too. The US lend money to Ecuador. Since they were unable to pay the debt, they went for Ecuador's oil. However, the US was keeping most of the money from Ecuador's oil. Ecuatorian president was against this policy. The US dispossed of him shortly.

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