domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

Raul A. Plata
Dean Patterson/Sierra Melcher
Comparative Government/British Literature
May 4 2014

                                                       My Manifesto

       My name is Raul Amilcar Plata Eslava. I was born in Bucaramanga and have been living there for 17 years. I am at the end of my time at Colegio Panamericano and wow its been such and awesome experience. In these 17 years I have been at Colegio Panamericano for roughly 15 years. In these years I have met awesome people that have change my life. During these years a lot of happy things have happened and some sad things too. However, I've learned from all of these and have become a better person everyday. In this paper you will read about the most important lessons I've learned at Colegio Panamericano, the moments that have change my life and my aspirations for the future that awaits me.

       I am sitting here remembering about everything that has been taught to me at Colegio Panamericano and it is hard for me to choose the most important lesson I've learned during all these years. However I have to give credit to Miss Ana. I remember in 9th grade when Miss Ana told us her "crazy" stories(they were crazy at that time) and making jokes about them. However, as years have passed I have learned that she is one of the wisest teachers at Colegio Panamericano. I have learned to be a better person with her stories. She has made me a better student by simple phrases like "don't study because you have to, study to learn something new and be wiser than yesterday". This has totally changed my behaviour as a student. I began studying the things i liked to learn something new. This can be seen as I was an awful student before 9th grade. After 9th grade there was a huge improvement in my grades in general, specially in math, physics and chemistry which are my favourite subjects. I have to thank Miss Ana because thanks to her I am passionate about the environment.

       In these 17 years a lot of moments have changed my life. I would say that these experiences have make me grow as a better person and made me the person I am today. One of the saddest experiences that I have lived in my life have make me grow as a person and made me value my family and mi friends. When my brother died it was a very sad experience to me. I lost someone I loved a lot and someone I admired. However, it showed me a lot of valuable things I used to ignore. First, it showed me how fragile life is. That made me reconsider my life to enjoy and see the good things in everything. "Don't wait around for life to happen to you. Find something that makes you happy. and do it. Because everything else is just background music" (Day 2: 5:00pm-6:00pm). This quote was said by in the t.v series 24 which is my all time favourite series and perfectly expresses how I feel about life. Second, it showed me the importance of my family and how a family must be together in the bad moments and in the good moments. My family was always together and I am taking this as an example of how I want my future family to be. Last but not least, the death of my brother showed me the real value of friends. While I was going through this moment I saw who my friends were and I learned the value of friendship. I am in gratitude with everyone that helped me go through this moment and I have to thank my friends that were with me in the good moments as well as in the bad moments.

       For the future I have a lot of goals that I want to accomplish before I die. I want to study Civil Engineering. This is my passion and I want to change the world with it. I want to construct buildings that are friendly with the environment. Cement is responsible for 5-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions(thank you senior project), why not making this impact lower by changing our cities and making them eco friendly. I know its too much to ask, but I really want to make important changes in the world and make it better than it was yesterday. Besides changing the world I want to be happy. I want to be happy with what I do in life. My teachers at Colegio Panamericano always told me "If you are happy with what you are doing, you won't have to work a single day of your life". I want this to be with me until I die. I want to be happy with what I'm doing. Just imagine it, doing what you like everyday and getting paid for it, sounds pretty awesome to me.

       There you have it, these are the lessons I learned at Colegio Panamericano, the moments that change my life and the goals that I have for the future. Maybe my goals are too much to ask but I will think about them everyday and try to make them possible. Hopefully I will achieve them and make others happy as I make myself happy.

                                                                          Works Cited

       "Day 2: 5:00pm-6:00pm". 24: Season 2. Writ. David Ehrman. Dir. Rodney Charters. Fox. 2003. Netflix.