martes, 29 de abril de 2014

The Light Bulb Conspiracy

This week we saw the movie "The light bulb conspiracy" in world history class. This movie talks about the history and the effect of planned obsolescence in our world. Before the first depression, light bulbs were made to last, however, this is not profitable for the economy. There's even a light bulb 100 years old that was made before planned obsolescence came in our way. Manufacturers made a cartel and began reducing the lifespan of lightbulbs. Nylon had the same fate as light bulbs. Nylon stockings were so strong they could tow cars, however, this meant women would buy only one pair of these. Manufacturers began producing weak nylon stockings forcing women to replace them quickly.

Time has passed and the effects of planned obsolescence are worse than we could ever imagine. By replacing and producing new products so quickly the environment has payed a high price. Resources are being depleted and there are no more places to save wastes. African countries are the ones that are receiving the wastes from countries like the US, England, Germany etc... Manufacturers tried to manipulate laws to support planned obsolescence. Since this wasn't possible, they just release newer products with something new to make the costumer feel like he really needs the new product.
Printers have chips that count the times you print a document. There's a limit of printings and when this limit is reached these stop working. We must reform our current economic system and develop one where the environment is protected by reducing the resources we use and making the minimum possible wastes or we will suffer the consequences.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Four Horsemen

The film "Four Horsemen" predicts the collapse of the American empire by looking at empires through history. In the movie, they recall at the stages of an empire and they state that the final stage of the empire is decadence. Currently they United States is in the decadence stage. Some characteristics of the decadence stage is the devaluation of the currency which is happening. They addiction to party and sex is more and more often. These are some of the aspects that are similar to other empires and that tells us which is the fate of the United States empire.

If the United States empire collapses this would have unimaginable consequences for us. The world economy would collapse. Some of the other consequences are uncertain. If the United States where to collapse in a violent way causing wars worldwide it would be tragic for all of us. Also one empire would have to take its place as it is shown through history. This new empire could benefit us or destroy us.

This fate must be contemplated because it will affect all of us. Also, contemplating the fall of the American empire makes us consider the flaws that our current system has. For example, our current economic system has multiple flaws. Capitalism benefits the few while going over the majority of the people. As the movie said "There's enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed." We must find solutions to these problems if we want a long lasting economy and welfare for all of us.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Colombian Monetary System

The Colombian Monetary system is handled by El Banco De La Republica De Colombia(BRC). The BRC is a state entity with full independence from the government. They act with free will and they do what they think is most correct for the Colombian Economy. The BRC is in charge of releasing new money, controlling the amount of cash to the public and they supervise the banking system within the country. The only clients of the BRC are the banks within the country.

The Colombian Monetary system is not that different to the one present in the United States. Both of them no longer work on the gold standard. Both of these systems control the money of these countries and are in charge of the inflation within the country. However, they differ when we talk about ownership. The BRC is a 100% state entity with independence from the government. This is an unique exception mentioned in the Colombian constitution. The Federal Reserve is not owned by the US government. A portion of the Federal Reserve is owned by private entities. These private entities work for the privilege of a little portion while the BRC works for the good of the country. This may explain why the Colombian economy has been very stable during the last few years.

Fractional Reserve Banking System

The creation of money begins in the United Stated Government. The United States Government gives the Federal Reserve a document called "treasury bonds" that has an added monetary value. The Federal Reserves gives the U.S Government an amount of dollars equal to the value of the bonds. The US Government deposits this money in a bank and money is created. However, most of this transaction are digital. 97% Of the US money is digital while only 3% is in paper. This is how money is basically created. We can say money=debt because it was initially created by a debt the US Gov. has with the Federal Reserve.

This process occurs every time you deposit money or borrow money. For example, I deposit 100 dollars in a bank. This 100 dollars are given away to people that borrow money. That money now belongs to me and to the other people that borrowed it. This happens with every transaction that occurs. However, a bank can't only give 90% of the money it is given. They must keep 10% of the money as a deposit. More money is further created when a bank charges interests. Money wasn't initially created with this additional interest taken into account; however, it must be paid to banks. This process goes on and on and money is without control.

Sadly, this process will eventually collapse. Most of the money that exists is not really money. The majority is money in debt, which is promised to be paid. This system only works because we the people believe it works. Also, poverty and inflation built within this system. This makes this system inefficient and one day this system will collapse and a change will have to occur.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Palestine and the UN.

Are we closer of finally seeing a independent Palestinian state? Over the years, the territory of Palestine has been under control of Israel or at war against this. Palestine has tried for many years to be an independent state but Israel and the US have been against this. Palestinian president has threatened to go to the UN and demand for it. 

Over the last months there have been peace talks between Palestine and Israel. However, Israel is not releasing the prisoners that the have promised to release. Palestine is willing to go to the UN. This applies pressure to Israel and the US. In my mind, this will be a good starting point for Palestine to become and independent state. The more pressure they apply to the UN, the more they will have to do to help this territory. It is early to talk about an independent Palestinian state, but everything begins like this. If the UN intervenes in the "peace" discussion it will be a huge success for the Palestinian people and may be the beginning of an independent state.

Al Jazeera and Agencies. "Palestinian President Threatens to Go to UN." - Middle East. N.p., 1 Apr. 2014. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.

Food Inc, Economy and Race.

In world history, we have been watching different movies that approach some of the most discussed topics in our society. We saw the movie Food Inc and two documentaries that discuss race and economy. In the process of watching the documentaries we have been able to relate and understand the complexity of what the US government is doing and how this affects the whole world. The issues discussed in the movies are economic, racial and perhaps about the Industrialization  and the quality of food.

While watching Food Inc we were able to understand the complexity of the food system and how its changing all around the world. The US transformed the system to make it more efficient; however, this brought a lot of health and environmental issues. People get sick more often and soil is full of toxic chemicals. People who work in this industry are paid poorly and treated as machines. This is where race comes in. Usually the workers are illegal immigrants. Companies hire them and have full control since the constitutional rights don't apply to them. These workers are exploited and are usually sent to jail after a while. 

A country's economy is also linked to food production. The US has been promoting corn production. This is making farmers to feed cows corn while creating health risks to human. Food prices have changed to the public in an unhealthy way. Since corn is subsidised, sugar products are made from it and a coke is cheaper than a natural juice. Sugary foods dominate the market that vegetables are very expensive and only the rich people can afford it. People that have a low income are obligated to buy the cheap and unhealthy food. This is making the people obese and prone to sickness. Until this food pattern doesn't changes, more and more people will die.